Milly Unsworth - personal trainer, Whanganui Osteopathy

Milly Unsworth

Personal Trainer

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Growing up I was always taught the importance of keeping active, and this message filtered through into my early adult years as I chose my career path.

I obtained my personal training certificate in 2021 and began my journey in the fitness industry as a health and fitness coach at a private gym in Christchurch. I coached individuals who had never exercised before, as well as those with mental and physical illnesses which made it hard for them commercial gyms. I now run my own Personal Training business in Whanganui, helping people from all walks of life achieve their health, fitness, and movement goals.  

I am passionate about creating a safe place for people to exercise. I can understand the apprehension some feel about attending a commercial gym, and the barriers that prevent people from doing so. Providing an environment in which individuals feel safe about getting their bodies moving is, in my opinion, essential to a happy, active, and healthy life.

Keeping moving is what enables you to keep doing the things you love - move it or lose it – but this is hard when you have injuries or niggles that limit your performance and ability to exercise. Incorporating rehabilitation exercises is helpful for reducing pain, preventing injuries, and maintaining function of the muscles, joints, and tendons. Movement, stability, and strength can all be enhanced with the use of exercise balls, resistance bands, and light weights. It is that blending of recreational exercise and rehabilitation that really interests me – helping people get past those physical and emotional barriers to get the most out of their bodies.

In my spare time I am a keen gym-goer, incorporating weight-lifting and functional training to maintain my wellbeing and achieve my fitness goals. I also love walking and running.

My aim is to help people get moving in a way they enjoy, to help them live longer and have more fulfilled lives. I strive to inspire people to make small changes to their health and wellbeing through movement and exercise.

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