Osteopath Imogen Winter

Imogen Winter

Registered Osteopath

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Growing up I always had a keen interest in sport, exercise and the human body. After 3 years of working as a swimming teacher, I returned to education and studied to become an Osteopath at the European School of Osteopathy. In my first year of university I also trained as a sports massage therapist which allowed me to work and develop my hands-on skills alongside my osteopathy training. In January 2022 I made the move to New Zealand for a new adventure; an opportunity to pursue my love for travel while building on my career.

I love the diversity that working as an osteopath gives me, no two patients are the same and each day is a new challenge; the learning never stops! I have a particular interest in treating people who have experienced a concussion; concussions are something that until recently have been under-researched and are still poorly understood. I have completed further training in the subject to allow me to provide better care to those that need it - including those who may be experiencing post-concussion syndrome and are not back to their normal selves even after a prolonged period of time.

Outside of work I can usually be found strength training in the gym or exploring the great outdoors! We all have the goal of reaching old age feeling “fit and healthy” but unfortunately sometimes life throws curve balls at us leaving us with aches and pains that we don’t feel we should have. I love that Osteopathy gives me the ability to try and help improve even just a small area of a person’s life and get them back to doing the things they love doing.

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